
Thank you for taking the first step and giving us a chance to show you why we are your partners in helping you find quality and affordable health care in the Kingdom of Thailand.

To get started please let us know what treatments you are interested in. You can contact us either by email, telephone, Skype,fax or post

One of our medical solutions experts will respond to your enquiry within 24 hours.


Request Medical Evaluation

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General Email
Help @

Group Treatment/Package Inquiries

Groups @

Media Inquiries

Media @



Telephone Numbers

Thailand Head Office +66-91-430-7560

GOOGLE EARTH Address  – By Appointment Only

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 [wpseo_address id=”undefined” show_country=”1″ show_phone=”1″ show_fax=”1″ show_email=”1″ show_opening_hours=”1″]

Thank you for visiting Thai Medical.

We Deliver The Highest Quality Medical Services in Thailand.