Almost all men experience some sort of hair loss or hair thinning at some point in their lives. External and Internal factors such as genetics,hormones, and age all play a vital role in when/where hair loss occurs and also how extensive the loss/thinning will be. Miniaturization better know as Hair thinning is usually the primary stage of hairloss. The rate of Hair growth mainly depends on a proper functioning hair follicle. For most men and women, the hair follicles moves through a constant cycle or growth “anagen phase” or rest “telogen phase.” When hair thinning starts, the length of your telogen phase increases. Since the resting/telogen phase is longer, the shafts of new hair become much more narrower. As we get older, the telogen phase gets longer and longer, resulting in progressively thinner hair until eventually our follicles stop functioning completely causing follicle death where hair will no longer grow.
DHT Hormone Dihydrotesterone and Male Pattern Baldness
Research has shown that the male hormone DHT “dihydrotestosterone” is what is primarily responsible for most hair loss due to its interaction with the cells of our hair follicles. DHT’s interaction with follicles cause an increase of the telogen phase in normal hair-growth cycles, which leads to hair thinning and the eventual death of future hair growth. Its interesting to note that not all follicle cells are susceptible to DHT hormones. DHT’s effects are fairly predictable to a trained doctor which is why its referred to as “pattern baldness.” Other names for Pattern Conditions include:
- Male pattern alopecia
- Pattern baldness
- Androgenetic alopecia
- Alopecia androgenetica
Areas that are the most susceptible to the effects of DHT are usually located in the front of our scalp directly above the temple region. Gradually, over time, our hair follicles in the back of our heads (crown areas) also begin to show the effects of hairloss till the 2 areas meet near the middle resulting in total hairloss of the scalp.
Hair Growth Stages VIDEO
Usually the hair follicles on the side of our heads are not as susceptible to the degenerative effects of the DHT hormone but can show signs of thinning. in 1975, Dr Dr. O’tar Norwood developed the internationally used “Norwood Classification system” as way to identify the 7 stages of hair loss.
Hair Restoration Calculator
Thai Medical Hair Transplant Graft Calculator
*Graft density of 35 grafts per square cm is recommended.Here is what you have selected:
Value of zero is equivalent to complete baldness of an area. Increase of value indicates shift towards appearance of total hairs to full restoration at maximum value.
Baldness: 0 | Recommended Value: 35 | Full Restore: 50
Thai Medical offers qualified patients several solutions to naturally restore hair in Thailand. Currently, a large number of patients start their battle with …
hair loss on their own initiative. Our Hair Center in Bangkok and Phuket offer a unique treatment approach using several techniques and solutions including:
- Hair Transplants for Women
- FUT or Follicular Unit Transplants – Hair Transplants – Strip Technique
- FUE or Follicular unit Extraction + Follicular Micrografting
- FT or Follicular transfer
- Robotic Grafting ie NeoGraft / ARTAS Grafting
- TMV EXCLUSIVE** SVF Stem Cell PRP + Micrografting Hair Restoration **Pre-Qualification Required
- TMV EXCLUSIVE** Platelet Rich Plasma + Hair Micrografting **Pre-Qualification Required
- Facial Hair Transplants Including Beards and Goatees
- Bodyhair Transplants
- Eyebrow Hair Transplants and Eyebrow Restoration Surgery
- Scalp Reduction Surgery
- Hair Plug Repairs including Corrective Surgery for Previous Hair Transplants **Pre-Qualification Required.
**Note PRP + Stem Cell Hair Restoration is not appropriate or effective in all cases. Severe hair loss or patients with previous hair transplants do not make good candidates.
Before and After Pictures of Previous Patients
Average Cost of Hair Restoration in Thailand
All our hair restoration treatments are designed to look 100% natural once finished. The total number of grafts needed can range from just a few hundred graft to several thousand, depending on your needs and desires. Please note that some may desire a much higher density in 1 session but we will not jeopardize the results or take any additional risks by placing too many hairgrafts in a single treatment session. Over placing grafts in one session may appear to provide higher density initially, the opposite of the desired results will occur since a higher amount of the excessive hair grafts will fail to survive. Once the failed grafts are gone, they will be gone forever.
Hair transplantation is a minimally invasive surgical procedure with permanent results. To determine which technique is best for the patient our team will need to understand scalp laxity and existing hair density (available for transplant). Object is to minimise any scarring and provide the most natural look possible. We do not use or offer laser hair transplants.
When making your decision, don’t forget to account for retention and the actual total number of actual hairs placed, and not just the total number of hair grafts. A treatment with 2,600 single grafts will not provide you the overall density that 1,600 grafts that contain 2 or more hairs.
The cost of having micrografting of FUE + PRP hair restoration in Thailand will be based on several factors including:
- Our Hair Specialists’ judgement
- Total number of grafts placed
- Size of Individual grafts
- Size of area/scalp needing coverage
- Density of your hair follicles (donor site)
- Your budget and timing constraints
To qualify for one of our hair restoration protocols we will need to better understand your expectations along with accurate assessment of the areas needing treatment.
Having your hair restoration in Thailand is a very safe,cost-effective,private,scar-free and easy way to naturally restore your full, thick hairline in a very minimally invasive way. Our Hair Centers in Bangkok and Phuket are pushing the limits of modern medicine to get you the best results in a short hair restoration in the privacy of Amazing Thailand.
“Shape your Dreams into Reality with Thai Medical”