Praram 9 Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand
If you are looking for specialized health care center in Huay Kwang are of Bangkok then Praram 9 Hospital would be a good choice. Pra Ram 9 Hospital is Located in Soi Huay Kwang near Rama 9 road in Bangkok. Ram 9 hospital is an large 16-story medical building that is built on an area that measures over six acres. Pra Ram Nine has maintained a good track record over the years since it was established in July of 1992.
From its humble beginnings, it grew to be one of the better developed Thai Medical Hospitals especially in general medicine and health checkups. Pra Ram 9 is an accredited hospital that has achieved multiple international recognitions including JCI Accreditation. With its dedication to affordable health care for Thai Citizens, Praram 9 continues to expand its base of operations and improve its overall medical services with the aim of achieving international standards similar to other first leading healthcare countries. The hospital has a vision to be the most trusted hospital and their mission is to provide value, quality and reliable healthcare, provided by its dependable team.
Rama 9 Hospital Address and Map
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Pra Ram 9 hospital offers various services and its highlight treatments including:
- Infertility Center
- Kidney transplantation (Kidney Transplant alternatives)
- Dental Implant Surgery
- Cardiovascular Care and Heart Center.
There are currently more than 210 Thai licensed MD’s and holistic doctors at Rama 9 Hospital that are practicing different medical specialties.