Everyone wants tight radiant skin, some people prefer dramatic results via surgery while others want a more gradual, natural looking result via natural or non-invasive treatment such as the RF Laser assisted Face and Necklift with Thermage and the NEW Comfort Pulse TechnologyThermaCool® Upgrade in 2019 that offers Thai Medical patients exclusive access to the best option on the market with great results with little or no downtime!

Genuine Thermage CPT for Wrinkles & Fixing Crepey Skin

Thousands of medical tourists coming to Bangkok are looking for an effective non-surgical solution especially for short holidays. The Thermage Skin Laser is an exciting new non-surgical procedure that offers an innovative way to rejuvenate your skin and especially rhytids on the face..All without any surgery!  Thermage involves the application of radio frequency energy to your face. The RF energy then strategically heats your collagen and composes your skin. In response to targeted heat, the loose, disorganized and weak collagen will be forced to breakdown and strengthen naturally. This reaction translates into a much firmer,younger-looking skin and all without any surgery. The non-invasive treatment is so easy that you can get have the procedure on your lunch break and quickly return to your normal work, family and/or other activities.

Benefits of Thermage w/ ThermaCool

Having Genuine Thermage will Help You Achieve:

  • Much Tighter skinPhyathai-2-hospital-bangkok-nurses-medical-staff-thailand
  • Noticeably Higher eyebrows
  • Much Softer nasolabial creases (especially nose & mouth)
  • Get Tighter skin below your chin
  • Eliminate wrinkled skin causing turkey neck
  • Softer scowl lines
  • Reduction in crow’s feet and rhytids
  • Quick fix for Crepey skin on Face, Neck and Thighs
  • Natural looking results for aging gracefully
  • Improving your jowls and jawline
  • Much Softer forehead lines
  • Reduced acne & softening of acne scars

Thermage laser surgery is great because it works just about all people with including darker skin types as those with lighter skin types too.

Skin aging Solutions: Skin Care

The layers of your skin are generally made up of 3 distinct layers:
♣    The visible outer surface – The epidermis
♣    The collagen rich layers under the surface – The Dermis
♣    The “fatty layer” under the dermis of collagen fibers -Subcutaneous tissue

The collagen in your dermis and subcutaneous tissue is a protein that keeps your skin youthful and tight. As you age and get more sun exposure, that collagen breaks down much faster than your body rebuilds it, resulting skin sagging or wrinkles.

Good candidates for Thermage

The best candidates for having Thermage treatment are usually individuals with the following skin conditions:
♣    Men and Women with Sagging skin
♣    Men and Women with jowl problems or lack of definition
♣    Men and Women with sagging skin under your chin. Also known as turkey neck
♣    Men and Women with Wrinkles/Fine lines near your mouth, eyes and forehead
♣    Men and Women Lacking definition in the lips & Eyes
♣    Men and Women with Darkened or Tired looking eyes-Black eyes
♣    Men and Women with excess skin near the upper eyelids ..hooding
♣    Men and Women with textured eyelids thats makes it hard to apply cosmetics like eye shadow or eye liners
♣   Men and Women with Appearance of cellulite in arms or legs
♣    Men and Women with Extremely sagging skin or perhaps unwanted bulges after weight loss or pregnancy
♣    Men and Women with unsightly Love handles

Non-Surgical Treatment to Fix Aging Skin

Treatment Day:

The Preparation for your full face generally takes about 20-40 minutes. The actual treatment with RF (delivering the pulses of energy) takes about 65-70 minutes. You should try to plan on being at the doctor’s office for about 1 to two hours.

Recovery after Thermage:

You will most likely experience either some minor redness and/or swelling after the RF procedure. Redness can last 1 to two hours after treatment, but sometimes lasts for a 1-3 days. Swelling is also usually mild-moderate, but can last longer. Very mild swelling can be persistent a little longer. Strangely, with Thermarge the more swelling and/or redness you have, the better results you are likely to see.

Results After Thermage:

Results vary for different people. Some start to see improvement as little as a 1 week after Thermage. Others begin to likely see improvement after 1-2 months. Improvements can continue for 4-6 months after the treatment when compared to other non-surgical skin tightening options such as Ultherapy.

 Before and After Thermage with Thai Medical

How much does Thermage Cost in Thailand?

The prices for having Genuine Thermage in Bangkok with NEW Comfort Pulse Technology depends on the areas being treated. Thai Medical is proud to offer No-Hassle Fixed Costs for all our treatments so to see if you are a good candidate for for ThermaCool and Thermage RF Skin Care solutions please contact us today.